Monday, July 11, 2011

An Evening in Hodgenville/LaRue County - Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln

A recent Thursday night found the KIX team in Hodgenville for the Larue County Chamber of Commerce’s 2011 Annual Awards Banquet. In a celebration of all the great things this very active chamber accomplished during the past year, special recognition was given to the graduating members of the Leadership Larue Program, as well as to the winners of several annual awards. A great meal was served by Paula’s Hot Biscuit restaurant, and everyone had their picture taken with hometown hero, Abe Lincoln. But what really made this event something special was the feeling of warmth that filled the room. These were people, young and old, who genuinely cared about one another and who represented businesses and organizations that provide the services, support and employment opportunities that make our small communities the vibrant, great-to-live-in places that they are. And in our region, we know that there are plenty of Chambers, Rotaries, Lions Clubs and other organizations doing outstanding work. We’d like to hear about how great your organization is, and to learn some of the things they’re doing in your community. Please share these stories by commenting on this post.